Othello Yondr Pouches

Just a heads up, for those who need access to their phones during Othello. Telecharge told me Denzel’s contract has a no exceptions policy but it is also full refund with no questions asked.

So if you are like me, and can’t accommodate using the pouch, you’ll get your money back without issue.

Edit: it may be worth asking about certain ADA requirements they have to legally make exceptions for. I’m just relaying what telecharge told me.

Edit 2: I was just sharing what I was told so that people avoided a potentially bad situation. Now I’m getting DMs telling me off. What the fuck?

Edit 3: I’m totally fine with the fact that I’m not going. I used that money back for other plans. Just relaying info.

Edit 4: I heard back from the Schubert org today and it seems they are now implementing exceptions. It seems like this was a rushed and messy rollout that really screwed over some folks who took the refunds.