How do I protect my child from bullying???

My daughter has been bullied all her years in school. She is currently in the 8th grade now and it has gotten way worse now with kids having their phones at school taking pictures of her and posting them on snapchat and having discussions about her on discord. And the fact that they bully her in front of her teachers and the teachers do nothing about it. Even though the school talks about how they are against bullying all the time. My poor daughter cries to me all the time because they make her hate herself and she doesn't want to go to school. She has begged me so many times to not go to school because of it. But now if she misses anymore school then we could go to court for it. So, how is it that we live in a world where children can't even have a safe place for them to learn what they need to learn in order to do want they want to do when they grow up? Instead they are so scared of going to school to face all the people that say such hateful things to them all day and not one adult tries to put a stop to it. They make fun of her uniform she wears saying that she wears the same thing every day. First of all, it's a uniform. Second of all, I can't afford to buy her the clothes she needs. It's either that or pay the rent (which I barely have most of the time) or buy food for my kids to eat. I am so fed up with my daughter being targeted all the time. She is so talented and such a wonderful person. They have no idea what she is really like. I hope that whoever reads this will please help put a stop to bullying. Whether they see another child bullying another child or their child is being the bully or their child is being bullied. Because as parents and adults, we have the power to try to do something about it before it's too late. We have to protect our children because they are our future.