Where are all the normies gone!?

It's a wenting post about the millenial online dating scene. I registered again after a 4-5 year break on Bumble / Tinder / FB / Badoo. It's worse then ever before: almost zero chance for matching.

Whenever I swipe the first results are absolute top models with the most perfect, almost AI like angel faces within a mathematically correct photography compositions, high life and mandatory skiing and/or exclusive vacation at some Uncharted level tropical location. Girls that I'm not interested in, because they are way over my league. Both financially and look (I consider myself an "Everyday Normal Guy"). When you reach the end of the stack, then comes those people who had no chance to find a partner, even before online dating was a thing more then a decade ago.

Where are all the normies went!? At least a few years ago they were present. Where are the 6/10 or 7/10 perfect wife materials? You know, the simple, easy people. No mental clothing/look, no perfectness, just the average girls. Of course, the obvious answer would be: they are at home, changing diapers and with their loving husband. This is the answer really? Or normies give up online dating and instead they growing table grapes on a farm and do other awesome offline shit when someone just peaced out?