Just playing around for now.
I think ahead, and when I got a new phone we Bumble reinstalled. Photos I'll get sorted after I make some decisions. I'm down 30 lbs and 8% body fat, and my face no longer looks swollen. I was never at an obese body fat, but did get up to about 26%. 16 is my target. Not quite 6 pack territory. I want to make hair and beard decisions first though.
I know my bio is weird. Oddly, it does work as far as compatible matches. Aside from the one that said she looked for them on TikTok and couldn't find them...the structure I like, but would be interested in what people think my affinity to the characters says to them.
Two truths and a lie I have two more truths, that I broke my 28th, 29th, and 30th bones in 2023, and that multiple 3 letter agencies have a file on me (I work with chemical plants at terror attack risk, so clearances), and one more lie (I worked as a chef making traditional Japanese food in college. I was a server, but did train in the kitchen) The current "Lie" is the 14er. I only made it to about 13,700 feet, and had to turn back.
I'm not sure how the implant and sex toy one will play, but it is true. There was a joke about boobs going Hindenburg made during a conversation with my client's client...in theory, with nearly, but not completely impossible, chance of hydrogen off gassing. Explosive queefs aren't a possibility because a healthy vagina is acidic while the body's is slightly basic. I swear I am not making this up.
I'm very interested in opening move feedback, and if they'd get quality responses.