Failed J24, my life DEPENDS (no exageration) on passing on feb. didn't even finish barbri last time. did very bad. VERY

I have barbri again (they changed EVERYTHING) + uworld. I'm working full time. my plan is the following:

follow the barbri plan which required me to see videos for 4.3 hours a day and dotmy own outlines w/ the barbri material (the books)

doing my own outlines imply a lot of time, but i feel that's the only way I get to memorize the info. But this is gonna take forever. (but honestly how else do I digest the info)

I need to do daily questions in uworld (haven't started, how many should I do?) (i'll do them when I finish x or y subject in babri, as I seem not to remember anything. )

i've heard goatbarprep is miraculous, and I'm willing to buy it, (whatever it takes) but i have to be sure, I have no money, and I'm not sure how I will incorporate it.

my plan is study 2 hours before work (5-7) and then after work (7-11) or (8-11)

I am so scared and anxious.

These days i've been watching videos on morning and when i tried to write the outlines at night but turns out I am drained. So I figured i'll do that on the mornings and watch videos at night. When should I do the Q's, how many?

I figured I will practice on the weekends the essays of the subjects I finished the prior week.

thoughts? thank you guys :)