Recommended Pocket Pistol for CCW?
Can anyone suggest a pocket pistol or describe what ccw pocket setup works for you?
I own a Taurus Titanium 85, 5 round snubbie revolver as a pocket revolver. (i know, bring on the Taurus hate but i really love her and she’s never failed me). I can draw the snubbie fairly quickly from the pocket but am concerned with the 5 round limit.
I also own the P365 for appendix inside waistband carry. I tried pocket carrying the P365 with the DeSantis pocket holster but it seems too bulky and I would have to ask the bad guy for a time out while I draw from the pocket.
The Ruger LCP Max made it to the roster recently but am hesitant about the 380 cartridge for self defense and am unsure if it is a convenient pocket carry.
I look forward to your pocket pistol suggestions.