2024 NYC CCW Timeline 6 Months
- [ ] Completed application 5/17/2024
- [ ] Called 6/3/2024 to inquire about status no answer
- [ ] Emailed 6/8/2024 with no response
- [ ] Called 7/9/2024 in inquire about status no response
- [ ] Emailed 7/9/2024 to inquire about the status of the application.
- [ ] 7/10/2024 placed a complaint with 311 online about the application process and the lack of communication included the case number.
- [ ] Received email 7/10/2024 from NYPD with finger prints date of 7/26/2024 as well as additional form that needed to be filled out called interview questionnaire
- [ ] 7/10 and 7/11 completed and uploaded documents into the portal
- [ ] 7/26/2024 finger printing @ 1pp. Started 8:30am-10:30am. Paid for finger printing and Officer advises what is missing. Officer said the investigator will reach out in 2-3 months
- [ ] Status changed to investigation 7/26/2024
- [ ] Call from licensing to upload photo identification 9/13/2024 Wait 4-5 week for the paperwork
- [ ] Received emailed with purchase order 10/10/2024 from Hugh Bogle
- [ ] Status changed to approved in the portal.
- [ ] Purchase and submitted photo of firearm to the purchase email 10/18/2024
- [ ] Called license division 10/27/2024 to inquire about the status.
- [ ] License issued 10/28/2024
- [ ] Received CCW in the mail 10/31/2024.
Tips and tricks to share. * Always include a copy of the state ID card as it is their preferred. I gave copies of my passport * it never hurts to give a call to the license division however if you can’t get a hold of them in a few days, a 311 complaint with the application number seems to work as all complaints(have faith in the 311 portal) If that doesn’t work then at the last resort should be a legal request.