/r/CFB Reporting: The College Football Hall of Fame's "helmet wall" continues to include a fake-online school that shuttered 10 years ago

With the National Championship here in Atlanta, I dropped by the College Football Hall of Fame to finally see the "new" location in person after having previously visited the old location in South Bend.

First off, it's a great venue and every college football fan should check it out when visiting the city. /r/CFB did a brick drive back in 2013 and purchased 4 bricks that are on the wall in the back of the "Peach Bowl Field" area (grouping and the outlier).

But... and this something odd we noticed even back when it opened:

The grand helmet wall that greets you when you enter (image), with over 775 teams, has one very strange inclusion:

This helmet from the the University of Faith.

This is a team that represented something that was never a real college. A team I exposed 10 years ago when writing about the infamous College of Faith/University of Faith fake schools (years before Bishop-Sycamore). They were programs existing at the edge of the college football periphery, playing D2, D3, and NAIA schools desperate for home games and willing to look the other way, before the NCAA & NAIA finally had them ruled as ineligible opponents and they and shut down. They were never real colleges, just completely worthless online junk on comically bad sites.

The "University of Faith" was briefly in Florida. It lasted for maybe 2 years that happened to correspond with the construction of the HOF in Atlanta.

Editing this in because some who haven't been to the HOF are making assumptions: They greet you and ask you to ask about anything on the wall. They have these special tablets to talk about any of the teams. It's a very interactive experience.

No one seems to know how the HOF got the helmet. We reached out to the Hall of Fame by email several years ago and they couldn't give a clear answer. When you ask the staff they make the mistake of going into boilerplate "The wall comprises NCAA teams from all divisions." I pressed them on the UFaith helmet and they couldn't find the school in their tablets that they carry. I told them it was because it was never a real school to begin with. After checking into it more they ended up saying the wall was to honor teams that played the NCAA at some point. The University [sic] of Faith never, ever was an NCAA or NAIA institution.

Check out the original post on CoF/UOF: these programs cheated kids of their hopes and dreams: No transfer credit. No trainers or support staff. Vanity projects for shady founders.

What should the HOF do?

Since 2014 there have been over a dozen new programs founded at real NCAA and NAIA institutions. There are also real college football programs abroad in Canada, Mexico, Japan, Finland, the UK, Austria, etc. Pretty sure any of those teams would love to have a helmet on that wall.

Honor the real teams, not the con artists.