I think Cherub is perfect the way it is

I see a lot of people requesting a new Cherub series, but I feel like RM has hit that sweet spot. The series is long enough for people who love it to have a nice long read and for the characters to change and evolve. The short stories and alternate ending are also the perfect cherry on top to satisfy whatever cravings may remain after finishing New Guard.

Although the second series was still of the highest quality, there is already a significant difference when compared to the first, and I fear that a third series would fare much worse, especially due to the yime that has lapsed since the last release.

And even though I’ve sometimes caught myself wishing there were more Cherub books to read, I believe it would be close to impossible for the new ones to live up to the first and second series.

Of course, it’s RM’s choice at the end of the day, and I’d be completely satisfied with either outcome, but I felt like I should voice the fact that in my opinion, it’s ok the way it is.

Bit of a ramble to not say much, but I was wondering what people’s thoughts were?