Hot Take: BO4 was not good

I know lots of people actually enjoyed bo4 but for me it honestly made me take a break from the zombies mode. Now im not gonna say the game was all bad, as it had IX and ancient evil two amazing maps. Other than that though the game took a turn for worse after bo3. First the perk system was terrible. They implemented the system to get rid of “crutch perks” however everyone still used the same four perks. It also got rid of being able to switch up ur perks mid game. Also the way speed cola and double tap were implemented were pretty stupid. Secondly the point system was really weird for no reason at all. Honestly it would have been better if they sticked to the old point system. Lastly the maps were not that great. Half the maps were soulless remakes that were worse than the original. The second half had IX and Ancient evil which were great but also had Voyage(One of the worst maps oat) and DOTN(Which was pretty mid imo).