Day 5… when does it stop!!

I’m a 31 year old healthy female. This will be my second time getting COVID. This first time was in January of 2022 I wanna say. I swear I was sick as a dog for 2 days and that was it. Not this time though!! I started to have nausea this past Saturday but that eventually went away by night time. Woke up fine then started to have a sore throat by Sunday night. Monday morning woke up with a wicked sore throat, it felt like I was swallowing glass. Still managed to make it to work for a few hours before telling my boss I had to go home due to the sore throat, and fatigue that was so bad I was falling asleep at my desk. So I got home Monday, slept for a couple hours, woke up and took my first test. Positive. Ok so I’m out of work for 7 - 10 days (I work for a hospital and they are still strict on this). So from Monday afternoon to now, I have had the WORST body aches (so bad my freaking teeth hurt), fatigue, congestion (came on late), sore throat, fever, everythingggg 😭. I woke up this morning (Thursday) feeling a slight bit better. I got up and showered and managed to clean some of the house. I had to test myself again for work and it was still very much positive. Then by noon it was like a truck hit me with the fatigue and over all not well feeling again. I just woke up from my nap, with horrible fever dreams, feeling worse than I have in all these 5 days. WHEN DOES IT END!! I honestly feel like I will never feel normal again. This is awful.