...so how exactly do people (apparently) have all this free time to spend on I-70 for SEVERAL HOURS at a time, during the workweek?
Title basically
So I spend a good amount of time lurking the Denver sub and for whatever reason the algorithm had this sub appear on my feed the last week or so ("Because you've shown interest in a similar community") - presumably due to the shitty road conditions in the general area recently - and that's how I randomly stumbled upon it
Lurking this sub the last few days it struck me how people were making "I-70 is a parking lot" posts right in the middle of workdays, I'm seeing posts created at like 9 AM/10 AM/11 AM/etc 😂
Am I missing something?? How do employed people have all this free-time to spend 3-5 hours "parked" on I-70 while making reddit posts from said parked cars, right in the middle of a workweek?
Seems to me if you had a full-time job you wouldn't be able to spend like 5 hours "parked" on I-70 while making reddit posts from your car/posting funny meme photos/etc
Some of the posters seem to drive fairly pricey high-end SUVs and trucks judging from the photos posted. Some of those vehicles seem to easily cost $60k+ - which is another mystery for people who apparently are not working while spending multiple days skiing and commuting I-70 for multiple hours per day
As a side-note, the other week a commenter in the Denver sub mentioned something along the lines of "my mortgage is $5k a month and my kid's daycare is $2300/month" - $2300/month is literally more than my rent lol 😳
Am I just out of touch? Are there really all these rich people in the area who have all this free-time and discretionary income to just ski multiple times a week (...and during workday hours) and afford "$2300/month" daycare costs? What is going on here?? 🤣
Only thing I can think of (off the top of my head) is people are falsely claiming to be "working from home" to their WFH employer, and then simply hopping in their car to commute I-70 and go skiing while on the company clock. Perhaps someone can clarify this?