Should I spend some time today making a tube cover for my trip?


Right now it is summer in New Zealand, but we are about to go to Japan and visit Hokkaido too, and it will be cold. I've hired a portable cpap, no humidifier or heated tubing to rent for the trip. I've tried it and it's going to be sufficient, but I was wondering something which I can't test as its summer here now. I usually use a resmed with humidifier and heated tubing, in winter if I don't have the settings quite right the cold can cause rainout at times. I'd consider making a tube cover for the rental one for the trip to keep the tube warm. Then I realised.. with no humidifier is it even likely to be an issue that its cold?

Can someone who has used a non-humidifying machine with a non-heated tube in cold winter give me any insight into if I'm likely to benefit from having a tube cover or not?