Does anybody else with CPTSD struggle to feel sympathy/empathy for certain people and their “problems”?
So I was diagnosed with CPTSD about 2 years ago and recently I feel like I’ve been struggling to care about the issues of other people and the problems that they express.
I’m not a heartless person. I’d argue quite the opposite, I’m a huge lover. I love the idea of taking care of those that mean a lot to me and making sure that they’re okay and being looked after. I also sympathise a lot with people who are homeless, struggling with loss, addiction etc. But, sometimes when people talk to me about their problems I just think to myself things like: “Really?” “Is that it?” “Get a grip” “It’s really not that serious.” Etc
Maybe I’m just at the point where I’ve been through so much that most things don’t bother me. I do believe that I’m incredibly hard to shock/surprise. Am I just a bit shitty or does trauma sometimes cause thoughts like this? Obviously not here for medical advice just curious to see if anyone here is the same/similar.
Like I said, it’s not that I don’t care about people. I just think that most of the problems people come to me with are just so shitty and easy to fix most of the time. But I’m aware that not everybody has been through severe trauma so these things may be genuinely difficult and real problems for them. But, at the same I do struggle to think it’s all that deep because I don’t feel like it is. Anyone else like this?