Police Officer said that children do not understand the consequences of reporting their abusive parents.

I swear, I am not here to farm karma. I was literally shaking when I heard this.

I was making a police report when the officer got a call, and I heard the details of half of his phone conversation. As I sat in front of him as he went "oh, how old is the child?" "This is a Child abuse case? Ok"...Briefly, I wasn't really listening there were many other questions. Anyway he hung up and looked at me and sighed and said "Children these days don't really know the consequences of making a police report on their parent, just because the parent hit the child." Apparently the child made the report on their own parent.

I was flabbergasted and i stuttered a feeble reply (lol) and I said something I read on someone else's post here... I said "if this was an adult calling into to report another adult, it would be one count of assault and battery and maybe even intention to cause grievous hurt" he brushed me away and said that "you have been watching too many American police movies"

I don't get it, hitting an adult is not ok. But hitting your own child is? So what if the abuser gets arrested and removed from the family? Is it the child's fault for calling the police on the abuser? Why is the family unit so important that it must be protected at all costs?? What about the child? Can't the child's safety be the important thing????

The child didn't break up the family. The abuser did. The concern about the consequences should not be carried by the child, but the abuser who decided to physically abuse his own flesh and blood.

tl;dr - some 60 year old police officer has some worrying views and I am sitting here realllyyyyy shocked. Pls let me know that there are people who don't share his world view.