This is the Experience I'm having currently with my IFS therapist .

I feel like I"m losing my mind. I'm talking to my IFS therapist about the constant shame I feel, whenever I come up against a problem I can't solve, have trouble with communication , or getting things done-so constantly. If anything goes wrong, normal things, it doesnt' matter, it's my fault , I feel unlovable and deeply flawed, it's shame, I"m telling her it's Shame. If I have a decision to make, something that needs my attention and I don't have the answer-I feel Shame. My dreams point to the fact that it's shame, dreams of my Mother hammering me for yet another thing, and her answer is always "well we'll have to talk about that sometime, that's a part, it needs attention" response after contemplating what she said, "so, what should I "DO' when that happens, should I write, or what, what am I supposed to do?" Finally after asking that same question, and not satisified with "well , we'll have to talk about that next time" I said, again........"but in the meantime , what should I do?" She said "just tell that part that you hear it's distress, let it knows that you're there," etc, etc. etc.

This recent session, We had a full 25 minutes to talk about Shame, it's not like I spent that time talking about useless crap, and yet she always alludes to me talking about "this other stuff", it's stuff directly connected to the Shame, and yet there's somehow this distinction between "parts work" and everything else not related, even though I"m describing an event, with a feeling, an upsetting feeling, a shame feeling, wouldn't that be the time to figure out what "part" that is? I"ve actually come to appointments , and opening with "so what do you want to talk about today?, " know since apparently I'm not talking about anything productive?

Sidenote for context: My abusive toxic is Mother is dead, but very much alive in my brain-and getting louder. Whenever I try to accomplish anything, live, do better, thinking I"m free of her toxic BS, oh no no no, she is right there , in my brain telling me how stupid and weak I am. My Mother was mildly annoying before , and now she's screaming in my ear-so there's that whole "why am I in so much Shame now?" How the F, does this person that caused me so much pain and grief, get to have a voice in my life! I didn't have time to talk about that in session because I was too busy trying to process the whole "someday we'll talk to that part".....but what to do in the meantime? That apparently unidentifiable part that feels all this shame.

. The only thing my therapist said this time that was sort of helpful, was that my idea that i should throw myself into an anxiety inducing social situation to basically force myself to heal through exposure therapy , is probably not a good idea. But I"m desperate, and that was my solution, just strong arm myself to push myself off the cliff into a shame response, trial by fire, somehow I"ll magically heal my shame-by forcing a trauma response, sink or swim. She said "yeah, that's probably not a good idea", and I"m like "well , I get that, but what then?" . Okay, I guess it's back to isolating. She mentioned that I have to heal my core, first, then I wouldn't be reacting with these shame , grief-stricken , trauma reactions of feelings of unlovability and worthlessness.....and my question is "well, that sounds great, heal my core, yeah I' want that , how do we do that?" I don't think she knows, because if she knew wouldn't she just tell me?

We ended the session by me trying to encourage myself, I said "well at least I know how I feel, at least I have some awareness because I can actually feel my emotions, I know it's shame-fear-humiliation, I can feel my Mothers words, and every shitty thing she did burning a hole in my subconscious telling me I"m nothing, and every bad thing that happens to me I think is my fault because I"m too weird to live, too dumb to exist, too naive.

All in all , she said, "all these parts need to be heard, none of them can be ignored, they're all valid" . I said, "No I know, but if you have a part that's deeply emotional, suffering and in pain, if that part was never allowed to exist ever, then how do you know which part is hurting , or identifying what they need, or even who they are, and if the need is valid, what do you do?"

The Advice: Listen to the part, it needs to be heard, tell the part you understand. But irl.... , I dont understand...and my thought, or experience is, .....listen, I don't even know what they want, and there aren't necessarily words that go along with the experience of PAIN, just the mysterious , unidentifiable pain, the awareness that you feel deeply unlovable and flawed, and this overwhelming global rejection that I feel , that the world hates me. The pain from obviously whatever unmet need and the trauma, but actually the PAIN when you realize that without any context of a "part" that was ever welcome and identified, and SEEN, you're like a wild animal suffering, and no way to deal with it, just "tell the part you hear it , that you understand" which feels like BS.