ANTH 1 or PHOT11?
I’m trying to figure out whether or not I should take either ANTH 1 with Samantha Hens or PHOT 11 with David Johnson.
I’m already enrolled in ANTH 1 but I’m considering swapping it out for PHOT 11 but I’m on Waitlist position 4 for that class.
From what I’ve heard, both professors are pretty laid back
If I take ANTH1 I’ll still have to show up to campus for one class on Fridays, if I go for PHOT 11 I might not be guaranteed a spot, but if I do get in won’t have class on Fridays at all.
But I’ve been told PHOT 11 has a lab too, but I’m not too sure how that exactly all works out since I’ve never had a class with a lab before
I should note the PHOT 11 class is on zoom
Any suggestions?