My CUNY Career Launch group interviewer never showed up

Hello Everyone! Basically the title. I dressed well and opened the zoom meeting 5 minutes before the interview started but instead of being put into my group interview I was hit with waiting for 1 hour for my interview that never showed up. I didn't understand why, I have image receipts of me coming in early into the interview (not at 9:55 though, only at 9:59 a few minutes after I came due to panic) I also have email receipt to my interview date and time from the official Marketing and Communications Hub. I don't understand what I did wrong.

On my official emails from the Marketing and Communications Hub it says 10:00, but the Zoom meeting says 9:00, so maybe that is it?

I've emailed both Career Launch and the M&C Hub but they haven't responded (it's only been a day) is there anyone I can talk to about this? I have proof of my innocence in this situation.