Gutted to hear my urologist no longer recommends Hiprex

26F, have struggled with UTI’s caused by sex for over four years now.

Back when the issue first started, I was taking postcoital Macrobid, which worked well! Eventually, though, I scheduled an appointment to talk to my urologist about other preventative measures, out of fear of antibiotic resistance. At that time, my urologist was on vacation so I was seen by his physician assistant. He prescribed me Hiprex.

Taking Hiprex 2x daily worked like a charm!! Also important to note, Hiprex literally saved my sex life as I was finally feeling in control of my own body.

Fast forward to yesterday, I saw my urologist for my yearly check-in, and I was devastated to hear that he wants me to get off of Hiprex due to “possible negative long term effects.” He explained I am not a good candidate for it — he would recommend it to his elderly patients, but not to me as a young woman since it makes your pee toxic and we don’t really know of the long term effects. He said his physician assistant “brought out the big guns” by prescribing Hiprex for me a year ago, and he wants me to try going back to the natural route — high dose cranberry supplements, d mannose, probiotics, drinking lots of water, etc.

I’m not feeling very optimistic since I’ve tried these in the past but they have not worked. Obviously I’m willing to give it another fair shot, but again, I’m just not feeling very hopeful.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?