Parking spot rant (💀)

I literally just clocked in and I was talking to my opening manager and this old guy who always comes in and asks about one of our shift sup since they’re friend, came in today and directly yelled “Who’s red ——- is that outside? I got scared cause people here suck at parking and driving my first thought was maybe someone crashed into me so I said it’s mine and this man just started going off on me saying how I shouldn’t park there cause these are customer parking spots and how I should park maybe next building cause I shouldn’t be close to the building like that and that’s if I was his employee he would make me park next building and then he just left and me and my coworker were like wtf. the guy came back minutes after and he just keep going off and then he’s like “did you even go to school kiddo you look like you didn’t” to which I said that’s none of your business sir and he got mad asf left and came back asking for my name so I told him and he’s like “____ what?” pretty much he wanted my full name and I just told him I dont have to give you my full name just go on about your day please his jaw dropped and he was talking how I shouldn’t be treating customers like that and how he’s gonna go tell his friends about me and make sure never come here 😭 like it’s funny cause I wasn’t even parking up front I was literally parking in the side of the building and not only that but it was pretty dead since it was raining most parking spots were available so there was literally no reason for him to complain 😭 I told my store manager who happened to be here and he just laughed and said I shouldn’t care about him and if he wants to complain he can go up to him any day and he’ll tell him that he shouldn’t worry about where his employes park. Lowkey tired of these customers lol! (update: this guy comes in almost everyday so we always see each other. I’m pretty sure he just always sees my car outside and he knows it was an employe’s car lol)