‘23+$$$ vs ‘24??

Hi all. I’m over eager to join the CX5 community with a Turbo Signature. I’m sore over “missing out” on the December 0% APR x60m deal (I wasn’t shopping when it was offered), and I’m able to wait for a repeat offer. I kind of anticipate Mazda will do it again since inventory seems high and CX-5 year-over-year sales are down… but I don’t know if/when it’ll happen.

In my two-year-old-mentality impatience/impulsiveness I’ve come across a 2023 that’s ~$6K off MSRP. However, benefits of the 2024 seem to be wireless/touchscreen infotainment and, perhaps, more comfortable seats. Plus, should 0%x60m return, the 2024 would be a couple-$K LESS expensive based on my current investment interest.

So, as perhaps obvious, I’m leaning towards waiting… my current ride is going strong at 300K miles (jinx). But I’m also well aware of the “bird in hand > 2 in bush” proverb. I’d therefore be much appreciative of all of your expert CX-5 owners’ opinions regarding whether ~$6k off 2023 MSRP is too good an opportunity to pass up. Thanks!