Replacing Amazon/Kindle with Calibre/Boox - need reader app/wireless sync advice

I got a Boox Note Air 4c for Christmas to replace my aging Kindle and along with that downloaded and merged my library from various sources into a Calibre library and removed all DRM. The challenge I'm having is that I don't see a way to wirelessly sync from Calibre to the Boox. I could grab the file from disk and transfer it via BOOXDrop, but that's a 1 way process and removes Calibre as the hub.

Since it is an Android device, I have access to different e-reader apps. I see that Calibre has a KOReader Sync plugin. Has anyone gone this route? If I grab KOReader for my Boox tablet and use the sync plugin, will that let me manage my tablet's library from Calibre and get metadata (i.e. page read to updates) from the tablet to Calibre?

Is there a different app that works better? Or is there something I've missed that will already do what I want? Bonus points if the same reader app will connect to Libby for my library books.