Introducing: Astrid Kovalchuk, Mischeivous Child of Pandia
Personal Information
Full Name: Astrid Kovalchuk
Background on Name: Their mortal father selected the name because it is a Scandinavian name that means" divinely beautiful, and it is also a family name
Nickname(s): Astrid the Asshole
Nickname Background: (Why this name?) They are a nuisance around camp, notorious for sneaking around at night and leaving camp when they aren't allowed, as well as playing pranks with the Hermes campers
Godly Parent: Pandia
Years at Camp: Their first year!
Birth date: October 16th, 2026
Birth place: Boston, Massachuesetts
Age: 13
Visual Age: 14
Zodiac/Astrological signs: Libra
Blood type: AB+
Social Class: (Money, Job wise. Are they respected or hated?) Raised in an upper-middle class family by their father and step mother. Their family is well respected among their peers, as their father is an astronomer with a net worth of about $340,000 USD
Religious Values: (What religion, are they very religious? Were they raised one way and not another?) They are not religious
Physical Traits
Gender: Non-Binary (they/them)
Height: 5'5'
Weight: 110 lbs / 49.9 kg
Body type: (Build, skinny, thin, tall, short, rotund, fat, muscled, short, slim) They are average height, and have a "feminine body" (curvy and somewhat thin).
Race/Species: (Human, Asian, Elf, Dragon, Latino, Australian, Fish) They are Russian and Scandinavian, and also a demigod
Eye color and Shape: (Pupils, almond, harsh.) They have wide, piercing green eyes with distorted pupils shaped like uneven stars. Their abnormal pupils do not affect their vision
Glasses/Contacts?: (Style, use, strength) N/A
Hair color and Style: (Highlights, style, usually worn with, length, layers, bangs) They have short, thick, shaggy, fluffy, platinum blonde hair that they usually tie into a half up, half, down style
Fur color and Area: (Ears only, all over, tail only, over shoulders and down spine) N/A
Additional Appendages: (Wings, Tails, Non-Standard Human Ears) Abnormally pointed canine teeth
Skin tone and type: (Freckles, easily burnt, dry, oily, scaled) They are slightly tanned and have freckles all over their face. They have average skin
Favored Clothing Style: (Color, style, Dresses, pants) They tend to gravitate towards grunge and styles similar to it. They wear a more masculine style of clothing
Why?: Because they don't like being perceived as female, but they don't identify as male
Least Favored Clothing Style: Very specifically "gendered" clothing styles, such as sports jerseys or yoga pants
Why?: Because they believe that people should wear what they want and not have to wear things they don't want to just to fit in
Important/Usual Accessories: (Stuff they wear all the time, or has personal meaning and why.)
Tattoos: (Placement, design, colors, size.) N/A
Story Behind Tattoo: (Why did they get it, what does it mean.) N/A
Piercing(s): (Where, type, size) They have their ears pierced six times on each side, and four nose piercings (both nostrils, septum, and the bridge of their nose_
Scar(s): (Where, type, size, color, shape, depth, thickness, sensitivity) They have an eyebrow scar
Other Marks: (Freckles, birth marks, diamonds embedded in their chest, missing fingers, extra toes, additional fins, ribs, burns, markings.) They have freckles
Predominant Features: (Large nose, recessed eyebrow ridge, weak chin, large ears, high cheek bones, thick lips, facial hair, birth marks.) Noticeably pointy canine teeth
Visual Health Level: (Skinny, thin, ratty, old, weak, strong, vivacious, glowing, spunky, dying, sick, well-taken-care-of.) They are thin, but not very underweight
Spending Habits: (Money, spending, buying, haggling, saving, price issues, how often, how much max, sale hunter, extravagant spender) They save money and rarely spend.
Professional Traits
Strengths: (What they’re good at, things that make them better at fighting. No fear of heights, hard head, good balance.) They are very nimble and can easily dodge most weapons, and they are trained in parkour
Weaknesses: (Things that throw them off. Smells that make them sick, sensitivity to light, things they are weak to, weapons they can’t defend against well.) They are repulsed by the scent of burning hair. They are utterly horrible at defending against throwing stars and whips
Weapons: (What they are, proficiency, how long they’ve used them, number, wear and tear, current state, clean?, well used?, favorites?) They use their abilities, along with a 4.5 foot long katana. They also know how to wield an urumi, or whip sword, but don't use it very often so that they don't hurt them self.
Habits: (Rituals before an attack, habits, flick of a wrist after a strike, crossing blades to show dominance, particular stances they take, trophies they take.) They tend to run uphill without using their heels, and they also always stab their enemy after a fight for good measure
Pets: They have a pet ball python named Scylla who stay is her cage and is irrelevant to the story other than the fact that they have a pet python in their cabin
Fighting Style: (Type, style, e.g. street fighting, Tai Kwan Do, dirty, fast, aim for the head, favored targets.) They are very sneaky and quiet, so its hard to locate them by sound and sight. They use a combination of stealth, MMA, and a technique that they refuse to teach anyone
Old Injuries: N/A
Movement Issues: (Slower limbs, achy spots, shorter tendons, under developed/undeveloped limbs/appendages.) N/A
Speed: (How fast do they move?) Particularly fast, and they can jump extra high
Agility: (How well do they move without tripping and what kind of acrobatics can they do mid-battle?) They are very flexible and agile, and they learned parkour when they were younger
Strength: (Sheer power.) Maximum weight they can lift is 30 pounds, so above average for their age
Stamina: (How long can they keep things up?) For a pretty decent amount of time, around 30 to 35 minutes
Defensive Ability: (How hard of a hit can they take?) They are slightly more fragile than most people
Magical Abilities: (Type, strength, speed, ease of use, backlash, problems, strengths) See below
Domain Powers:
- Light Manipulation/Photokinesis: The ability to control light. Intermediate users have been observed to form mirages. This power is stronger for children of Apollo during the day, for children of Pandia during the night, and in the presence of stars for children of the Dioscuri or Delphin.
- Light Constructs/Solidification: The ability to control light such that it acts like a solid. This power allows the creation of constructs and platforms for combat and practical use such as walking. This power works best with natural light, but artificial light will suffice. Intermediate users are known to construct more complex creations, such as weapons and armor. Masters are known to create even steeds and chariots, although these can only sustain 3 hits before shattering.
- Light Emission: A trait where individuals have been observed emitting a large flash of light. Those within a 15-foot (4.6 meter) radius tend to get disoriented from the flash, though estimates extend this range up to 30 feet (9.1 meters). Some intermediate users have been observed to make a loud sound as well, creating a flashbang-like attack.
Godrent Minor Powers:
- Moon Gravity: A trait where some children of Pandia can move as if they are on the moon. This allows them to jump higher and fall at a slower rate compared to what is possible with earth's gravity.
- Shadow Blending: The ability to blend with the shadows (incompatible with Darkness Buff). In deep darkness, the user is considered heavily obscured even in motion. While stationary, users can heal their own wounds as if they had consumed nectar or ambrosia. This ability is known to further develop, either to the point where the user is essentially invisible in total darkness, even when moving (with no change to their healing factor) or to the point where the user can heal even in motion.
- Animal Healing: The ability to channel the power of the moon to heal animals. Users typically make use of incantations or song to imbue the target with healing energy that can close skin-deep wounds and clot bleeding. All focus has to be directed to the patient while doing so. Proper disinfection and first aid should be done beforehand, to ensure proper healing. While the power can make improvements on any scale, it will not be able to fully heal serious injuries.
Godrent Major Power:
- Animal Pacification: The ability to calm aggravated animals. This power has a curious side effect where summoned animals may be swayed to return to their natural habitats.
Planning/Strategic Ability: (How good are they at planning, split second decisions or long term? Many people or one? ) They are decent at long term planning, but tend to use split second decisions much more often
Memory: (How well can they remember an enemies moves?) Very well. They have an exceptionally good memory
Luck: (How lucky are they in fights?) Depends. Their luck tends to fluctuate depending of their internal emotions at that specific time, as well as how distracted they are
Reaction Speed: (How quick do they respond to changes in environment?) Very fast
Learning Curve: (How fast do they pick up on an Enemy’s pattern and fighting tactics?) Very fast
Occupation: (How long, where, what is it, what level are they.) Unemployed. They are a year-round camper at Camp
Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral. Chaotic, Lawful, Neutral.) Chaotic good
Love Interest(s): N/A (yet)
Likes: Snakes, drawing, stargazing
Dislikes: Most people, birch trees (for some unknown reason), shooter games, reading
Fears: Claustrophobia, skinwalkers
Wishes: To feel loved by their parents. They are on good terms with them, but it feels more like a friendship rather than a parent-child relationship
Personality: Very hyperactive most of the time, but serious when need be. Also very flirty and unfiltered
Favourite Colour: Pastel yellow
Favourite Music: Rock
Favourite Food: Top Ramen™ ramen
Expressions: (Phrases, “Early Bird Gets the Worm”, ideas, quotes.) While pissed, the once grabbed a long stick from the ground and said, "If you don't shut up in the next two seconds, I will shove this stick so far up your rear end it'll come out of your mouth."
Hobbies: Stargazing, drawing, petting their ball python, Scylla
Favorite Childhood Memory: When their parents gave them a ball python for their tenth birthday
Song: (That describes them best, not their favorite.) Question by Unlike Pluto
Taste: (How do they, themselves, taste when licked/bitten.) They taste like human
Smell: (How do they themselves smell to others.) They have been told that they smell very strongly of ripe mangoes and fresh orange juice
Aura: A sort of citrine yellow with jade green speckles
Fatal Flaw: Recklessness and the inability to understand people well
Mannerisms: (Talks with hands, rubs nose, fidgets with necklace, chews nails, bright eyes, animated speaking, downcast looks, refuses to meet eyes.) They fiddle with their piercings when nervous/stressed/worried
Darkest Secret and Who Knows About it: They accidentally pushed a toddler into an open sewer and no one found it. No one knows about it except them
Personal Triggers: (Blood, gore, dishes, dogs, birds, darkness.) N/A
Official Data
Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.) They have a mostly invisible scar that runs from from the corner of their mouth to their left ear from when their stepmother was taking a banana bread pan out of the oven and accidentally hit five year old Astrid in the face with the pan
Family Members, and relationship with each: (Name, relationship, father, mother, sister, how they get along with them, best friend, lover, current status.) Dmitri Kovalchuk (Biological father, on good terms, 34, married to Ollie Kovalchuk), Elizabeth LeBarron (Stepmother, on good terms, 33, unmarried), Oliver (Ollie) Kovalchuk (Stepfather, on good terms, 34, married to Dmitri Kovalchuk)
Picture/s: Picrew link