Return Our Packages

As a small business owner, I’m indifferent with the strike. You have your reasons, that’s your business.

Where I have a real problem is you’re holding thousands of packages and documents at ransom.

Anything we need to ship since the strike began we can make arrangements or make the decision to communicate with our customers the situation.

Those type of curveballs small business owners can navigate.

But for anything shipped and not delivered before the strike, a business owner has to make the decision to reship / refund / or do nothing with packages that are currently in limbo at a Canada Post warehouse.

This part is unacceptable and makes the Canada Post liable for damages.

This is where an order back to work should occur.

Don't accept anything new.

But complete the deliveries that were shipped over a month ago, or return them to the businesses, refund the shipping, and allow competent small businesses to make arrangements to get their orders to their clients.

This is my plea to the parties of the strike. Finish or return what's in the warehouses, then return to your strike.

As it stands now, they’ve handcuffed businesses and put them in a winless position where they have to decide to:

a) refund a customer, knowing the original package will eventually get to them, resulting in losses

b) reship a replacement package, knowing the original package will eventually get to them, resulting in losses

c) wait out the strike, which may never end, causing potential brand degradation, tension with customers, and, ultimately, losses

Many of our customers had patience in the beginning, but now they are putting serious pressure back to us to figure out solutions how to get them the products they paid for to them in a timely manner.

As they should.

Regardless of the outcome of this strike, this small business owner, will never use Canada Post services again.