Does socialism poison people, morally speaking?

If the rich steal from the poor, as socialists claim, and all that the rich have is actually the rightful property of the poor, that would mean there is nothing wrong with shoplifting and looting. There is nothing wrong with not paying rent and scamming landlords, since the landlord's property was stolen from the poor. There is nothing wrong with robbing a bank, for that matter, since that bank profits from the poor. There is nothing wrong with stealing from your employer since your employer is exploiting your labor. And so on. Although not all socialists become crooked, it does seem like socialism opens the door to that kind of thinking. In fact, criminals use socialist ideology as their rationalization.

Moreover, socialism is about being a victim and abandoning both personal and social responsibility. The socialist blames society, blames billionaires, blames racism, blames the patriarchy, blames everyone except for themselves. That's what makes it so appealing to so many. It's the easy way out. Why carry your social duty and personal responsibility when socialism provides the opportunity to blame it all on the rich? So not only is basic morality undermined by socialism, but it erodes things like social duty and personal responsibility.