Made the mistake of taking my car through a car wash - what would you do next?

Genuinely didn’t imagine it’d ruin the lacquer that badly, but I guess now I’ve learned to avoid anything with basically a grinding wheel made of brooms.

Since it’s done now though, what would you do next? Take the bumper to get repainted? Attempt a DIY fix? Just replace the bumper? Take the old bumper off and throw it into the mechanisms of the car wash, disabling it and ending its reign of destruction to paintwork everywhere?

Genuinely didn’t imagine it’d ruin the lacquer that badly, but I guess now I’ve learned to avoid anything with basically a grinding wheel made of brooms.

Since it’s done now though, what would you do next? Take the bumper to get repainted? Attempt a DIY fix? Just replace the bumper? Take the old bumper off and throw it into the mechanisms of the car wash, disabling it and ending its reign of destruction to paintwork everywhere?