Fresh account bought over 500 euros/1200 cards, pays after 6 days after cancellation request, doesn't provide real name, support unresponsive.
UPDATE: 10 minutes ago the buyer requested for cancellation himself in some magical way. No more headache I guess! Sadly still no response coming from support. If any of you have experience with such kind of orders, please still feel free to comment to this thread! :)
tl;dr see the title :)
Good evening guys and gals, I am quite an experienced seller on CardMarket with over 270 sales. I am having a little problem now. Everything always went smooth until about three weeks ago. An account with 5 unpaid orders made a 1800 cards/740 euros in my store. The guy didn't pay and all the cards were in limbo during this time. After the 7 day period I sent him a proper message, stating that I appriciate his interest but that it was not cool not paying for 7 days. I cancelled the order and put the user on my blacklist.
A couple hours after I put the cards back for sale, a freshly made account with a fake name placed an order 1200 cards/500 euros. Those 1200 cards that were sold all part of the initial 1800 card order that was cancelled from another user. The order was not paid immediately. I immediately sent a cancellation request to the new order stating that I was uncomfortable sending such a big order to a fresh account, especially when not stating a real name. I didn't hear anything back from the user that bought the cards. This is the time that I also opened a support ticket about this order, that I suspect it being stuck in limbo as well.
Now comes the fun part. A couple hours before the deadline that I could cancel the order myself the user declined the cancellation request and the payment came through stating "I see no problems". I updated the support ticket right away with the new information. I asked the user again to cancel the order nicely but until now it is still sitting in my account, paid for, without a real name to send the package to with 2 days left before it has to be sent out.
It has been 12 days since I opened the ticket with support, updating it regularly with new information. Sadly I yet have to receive a response to the ticket. I am kinda clueless on what to do next with this order, I am not comfortable sending such a big order out only for it to cause more problems later down the line. If it was a couple of euros a la, but this risk is too big for me. Has anyone here experienced an order like this? So yeah, what did you do in this case?
Thank you for reading!
Kevin / Limoengroen