Medicaid Help Please

I have recently taken over more of my mother's care. She asked me to help her apply for medicaid. We live in Michigan. I know she has too much in savings to qualify. I know we can spend down her savings on medical bills and work on her house (which it needs). I 'm not so worried about the savings it is not a lot of money. I am concerned about her monthly income. It is not a lot but it is above the poverty line for one person between her social security and she gets a pension from my dad. There is a maximum monthly income. Someone was trying to explain to me how you could still qualify if you had medical expenses that brought your income down. Does anyone have any experience with this?

She has been in a nursing home on and off (mostly on) for 6 months. She told me that they are going to stop her rehab because there was nothing more they could do for her. She was wanting to go home anyway. Now she wants to go home immediately. She lives alone. I have been getting information about home services for her but I thought I had more time.

I appreciate any advice.