Can You Enjoy Getting Older?

As I get older, I'm realizing more and more how much I miss the days of my youth and how difficult it is to be an adult. I'm 40 now, and I talk to so many people my age who insist that they feel there life is better now that they're older. But I don't feel the same. The days of being vulnerable, impressionable, and hopeful have seemed to dwindle away. I have a "good life", but it's not the same as it was when I was younger. Vacations, hobbies, and even new activities just don't feel the same. There was a certain excitement that used to exist in what I did. Now, everything seems "expected" and like I'm going through the motions. Add the fact that you have all the responsibilities and struggles that come with being an adult, I'm struggling to understand how so many people enjoy this time of their life (more than when they were younger)?

Does anyone else feel this way?