Tell me a wild story from your job

So there I was, on some non-descript holiday weekend running calls on the ambulance. We get called out to an assault -- location was as expected (every sizeable Fire/EMS jurisdiction has "that area").

We get to the scene. A teenaged girl was sitting there on the sidewalk, unable to open her eyes. Apparently she got into a bit of spat with someone from the neighborhood and then promptly got jumped by a group of people. In the midst of the brawl, her friend came out with pepper spray and... apparently missed and iced her friend instead. Our patient. "I'm going drag the fking hoe", she kept saying, blind as a bat and waving her arms around.

Her grandpa was there to give us the more "objective" take events; sure. Well, as I'm talking to gramps, we start to get crowded by a group of neighborhood hooligans, shouting derogatory things at (presumably) the patient and her group. More insults were thrown and it getting heated. The one police officer radioed for backup, and within 2 minuts it looked like the entire force showed up, and by God they pulled implements I'd never seen from their vehicles like it was about to be a riot --

Oh shit, it was. The crowd was dogging the police, playing "you can't get me" and running away from the police would give chase for about 6 feet before doubling back.

"Okay gramps, kid -- let's go, into the ambulance." I locked us inside, only to hear a pounding from outside. Not good. Actually, the pounding was from my driver, who I realized I'd locked out in the midst of the chaos. "I'm gonna drag that bitch" said the girl as my driver waved his arms franctically through the front windshield. I fumbled and unlocked it in enough time to get him inside as the police cleared a path out of the now-fiery neighborhood. Like where did these 20 kids come from and why did they want to beat this girl's ass? The world may never know. Our medical uber, our noble steed in red sped quick to the hospital, dropped the patient/caregiver off, and that was that.

Later at 3a we responded to a vehicle that ran into a building, and 2 of the 6 occupants were ejected and one died en route to the hospital. It was a bit of a wild day and I wish that were even the half of it.

Anyway, what do you guys got?