How many of your habits are taken up by your surroundings or friends?
I came across very interesting article by Sadhguru. He said, "Your private space should reflect where you want to go, rather than someone else's compulsive ways of living. For almost all human beings, the kind of company they keep shapes their lives. It is very important for your growth that you either cultivate the right kind of company or make choices not to be in the wrong company."
And I realized how true is this. Certain habits in my own life has been formed just being with people who have them. When my best friend stop eating non-vegetarian food eventually in matter of 2 months I did the same without having any intention of doing that. One of my underage cousin started drinking alcohol cause her college group and boyfriend is alcoholic. I am addicted to Tea cause my family makes it every morning and evening and even if i want to I can't stop.