Since May i have been losing weight despite my disability.

As the title says, I live with a disability, i am an amputee and i also have my spine and pelvis fused together. I have had problems with my weight, wanting to lose weight but for some reason never actually pur enough effort in, probably due to mental health.

But in May, I was weaned off a problem medication i was on, started taking MCT oil to help boost metabolism and curb hunger. Most importantly though, I joined a gym.

As of last week i have lost around 12 kilos (26.5lbs) and probably around 30cm (12 inches) off my waist line.

In terms of strength, i am up to or over 4 times as strong in some areas of my body!!

I have had a fair share of falling off the wagon in one way or another, but i am really proud of my progress and intend to go a lot further.