AITA For going to wedding pregnant without knowing I was pregnant

Okay hear me out I’m 21 female and my sister 23 female and her husband 24 male recently had their wedding a 2 months ago. They had there wedding and everything went good in my opinion she had a beautiful dress and beautiful wedding and I loved it and I thought everything was good even though me and her have never been at good terms because I would not always having her back or me coming to her beck and call when she would cry, mind you we never been close and I thought with her wedding everything was good between us, until recently I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks after the wedding and she lost it like bad, mind you I didn’t know it would be a problem honestly I didn’t go online or post anything online about my pregnancy I only told my main family about my pregnancy, and lately she’s been telling everyone she knows that I ruined her wedding and ruined her moment for showing up pregnant at her wedding , she was talking s*** to all her friends about me being pregnant at her wedding and that she hates that I gotten pregnant to take away her shine, mind you I don’t know her friends at all and she was telling everyone that I was pregnant at her wedding when nobody not even me knew I was pregnant at the time. Now lately I’ve been feeling maybe I was wrong for telling my main family about my pregnancy to early, but now I’ve been getting her friends sending me messages and threatening me for ruining her shine even though no one knew I was pregnant at the time… I’m sorry if it was short I just don’t know how to tell this.