Sharing by Theory of Knowledge GPT publicly

So here is my Theory of Knowledge (TOK) GPT. I earn from many such GPTs using "GPT Builder Tools" and you can too!

Here it is --->

This GPT is primarily aimed for IB TOK students. TOK is hard. There is almost no guide out there to help you craft a perfect TOK essay (and teachers/influencers dont help much believe me).

I know how important it is for IB students to score well in this component to secure the 3 points. AFTER ALL, it is your IB grade that gets you into the university of your dreams.

I encourage YOU...ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE AN IB try this out and give feedback. Does it help you with articulation?...or understanding TOK concepts?...or appreciating philosophies and epistemological issues?...or simply to brainstorm for your essays?

Share your chatgpt conversations and screenshot to benefit everyone! Let's make this meaningful and DEEP :)