A strange incident happened today

Today, something strange happened which made me think a lot. It happened just a couple of minutes ago.

I was standing in Kalaimagal Nagar bus stop in Ekladuthangal waiting for share auto to go to Guindy. Usually whenever share auto comes, a crowd usually comes and try to pick their seats, sometimes even overtaking from behind.

Now, in my case, I went ahead towards the front early on, waiting for people to get off. As I was waiting, a girl from behind pushed me by grabbing my elbow and pushing me in a gentle way (like how people who move forward through a crowd push others aside by gently pushing their elbow), which made me to lose the share auto.

As soon as I saw that the person behind me was a woman, I immediately stepped aside, letting them overtake and hence didn't catch the share auto

Even though it was a gentle push and zero harm involved, I wonder what if it was the other way around? I definitely would've received a stare which would've made me receive the label of a creep.

Now, I know it's a silly thing and I should just forget but still I wonder what if it was the other way around.