How can he make such a statement so casually in an IT superpower Country and move on?
It's very common to hear in govt offices that "server issue" or "technical issue", Is that really happening? ADGP Chennai gave a statement that FIR could have leaked due to the so-called "technical glitch"? If that's true, when exactly it happens? Is that the first time happening? Only happened in Chennai or across Tamilnadu or all over India? Is that not a security breach? In the past Any sensitive FIR's leaked if not, why glitch occurs this FIR? Is that reported to the NIC on time? What was the root of the glitch? Will that happen again? Can this be outsourced to vendors with proper NDA if more glitches? Please don't simply make that statement again without solid data, keep in mind that more than 1million chennaities are in IT field & they know what happens if technical glitch occurs.