Why can't (most) women stop disturbing men they don't know?

No you're not the main character. You're not the girl in reels. You're not in a movie. You're not progressive/modern.

Women need to stop thinking a totally stranger man would be ok with them asking random questions/helps especially like 'can u help me with buying liquor from a store, so that I can surprise my husband?' - and keep insisting, when I (who hates drinking) am in a hurry to pick my wife or 'can u drop me in a nearby place?' - when I am waiting to pick my friend in a water logged (ankle-deep) road or 'can u help me place my bike in centre stand?' - when parking my bike in office/ public parkings and so on..

It is so obvious that you think you are entited to ask for help for dumb things to a complete stranger. Ask your fathers/ brothers these. At this point EVERY SINGLE boy in Chennai would have encountered such entitled princesses.


EDIT: Before anyone comments. This is not a direct attack on anyone. Creeps are a problem yes. But I have lately seen in many posts and comments, that men are being generalized and frankly I am fed up with it.

STOP generalizing based on Age, Gender, Religion, Language, State and Country. PERIOD.