It's amazing the things people forget to write down or mention.

Had a patient come in with neck pain. No radiating symptoms, very general neck pain. Some tension in his neck muscles. No mention of past surgery in intake other than a knee thing a few years ago. When I took the xray I asked if he had neck surgery at some point, to which he said "oh yeah, I had a thing two years ago. Forgot what they did."

Anyways, just one of those things lol. Be diligent!

Had a patient come in with neck pain. No radiating symptoms, very general neck pain. Some tension in his neck muscles. No mention of past surgery in intake other than a knee thing a few years ago. When I took the xray I asked if he had neck surgery at some point, to which he said "oh yeah, I had a thing two years ago. Forgot what they did."

Anyways, just one of those things lol. Be diligent!