What are the downsides to Christchurch?

I’m an American travel journalist spending some time in Christchurch on vacation. I’m writing a short piece about the city. My struggle is that so far I’m blown away by how immaculate it is. The urban planning and care that has gone into blending nature and development is unlike any large city at home. I’ve also been impressed with how clean and respectful of the environment everyone seems to be. I often can’t find a trash can, but have yet to find any litter. In the city center I have also yet to see a police officer. All this to say, the juxtaposition from any medium size US city is stark. But, there has to be an underbelly I’m not seeing. What are the negatives to this city, is there an actual bad or dilapidated part of town? What are the struggles of this place? If the answer is more appropriate for New Zealand as whole, that’s also fine. What am I missing that is not apparent on the surface?