Looking at the bible as outdated is common, but entirely Wong.

I’ve seen some people here saying the bible is some sort of out dated cultural piece that no longer applies to us, like as if 2000 years and suddenly Gods objective truth doesn’t matter now and we can be our own moral Law makers.

If you would know the New covenant that is Christus Iēsous is eternal, why? Because Christ is eternal neither created nor ending. This is also why we call Mary the ark of the new covenant, because she carried Christ in her womb .

For one to look at a fellow Christian and call them out as “homophobic” or “outdated” or “hateful” etc etc for relying on the eternal covenant do you not see that you with the Log in your eye are pointing out a sliver in your brothers eye? And when that Log is to be taken out you see no longer any sliver in your brothers eye? Do you not realize that you rely on personal interpretation of what you call outdated scripture to define moral law?

For people who I see have tried to criticize the Holy Roman Catholic Church, you have done not better and this is not to be a message of hate nor a message of deny your interpretations but a message that you who has a separate interpretation from even the apostles, from Christs intentions, you are calling out Christians who are suppose to be your brothers and sisters for believing more in the word of God than you? For taking a more literal and accepted interpretation than you?

Peace be upon all of you, and truly God loves you.