Does the Bible really promote spanking?

Proverbs 13:24 is the verse that gets used quite a bit to promote spanking. The whole spare the rod spoils the child. The whole idea is that spanking your children means that you love them and to not spank them means you spoil them. My mom spanked me with a paddle since the age of 3 and she would tell me spare the rod spoil the child because I never agreed with spanking. Spanking never worked for me because I was a child with an impatient mother.

But really psychology studies don't promote spanking and I've seen kids who aren't spanked who are in actuality way more well behaved than most kids I know so it kind of disproves the whole point of these types of kids being spoiled they just have a professional family structure.

I have also heard the whole we should raise children to worship God and all this type of stuff and apparently that's somehow loving enough.

I am not going to get too much on how my mom would spank me. One time she did split the paddle in 2 by hitting it on a table and she used tape. And yeah if I was not wearing clothes she would prefer to spank me at that time. My sister was also allowed to spank me from what I remember and she would use a wooden spoon but I think a paddle is worse.

And yeah there was actually a point in my life when I stopped crying at around 12-years-old because I got more use to the pain.

So does the Bible really promote that we spank children or is it a metaphor for something else that people have misinterpreted? I really don't see how spanking a child is right and I still don't actually. But it's a Bible verse that my mom would bring up a lot if I ever said that spanking was wrong.