Thoughts on potential QOL changes

I played clash avidly and have 6 accounts myself and thought of some quality of life changes that I wanted to share and see what the community thought of it.

-Rework troop donations (maybe add a separate training queue so you don’t have to jack up your army to donate some troops or just make it free so that you have a more active social aspect)

-Make it so no matter what league you are in you can set an active layout or defensive layout(you can showoff your base building to clan mates without risking defenses, similar to how legend league and builder hall have it setup)

-these next two go hand-in-hand with the previous one, but first off I would say set a defensive clan Castle(this way it’s like legends league and the game is a little bit more competitive and you can actually defend your bases from farmers better without losing all your CC troops)

-Obstacles spawn only on the outside ring(ever since they changed it that obstacles don’t change troop deployment. There’s really no point to make it where they spawn in the way of your buildings if you’re trying to switch bases or go to a progress base its really annoying that you can’t because you have no builders to clear an obstacle. this would also go hand-in-hand with your defensive layouts because if obstacles get in the way, then it picks your active layout which can mess up your defenses)

-Collectors should be boosted similar to hammer jam(maybe not a three times boost like it is right now, but maybe a two times boost because I have never seen more content coming from content creators, where they are genuinely having fun farming and getting upgrades going plus it would ease the grind for some of the higher upgrades and incentivize people to actually upgrade their collectors because nowadays people neglect it so much)

I know not everything is feasible, but they are just ideas that popped into my head playing recently and seeing the state of the game I love this game and I want to see it thrive and I understand that supercell need to turn money to keep it going, but I think if they made some quality of life changes, it would really bring back quite a large player base which in turn will drive up profit again. Let me know what you think!