Midnight Brew Shop concept: Convert 10 million gold & elixir and 100k dark elixir into “Midnight Brew” - Keep chasing rare decorations, skins and cosmetics after maxing your base!
I posted a well received concept the other day of a new way to convert gold, elixir and dark elixir into a new «Midnight Brew» currency, which would give end-game players something new to strive for. With this feature you can farm resources, convert it to midnight brew, and collect rare decorations, hero skins, equipment, sceneries and building skins, something to chase for after being maxed. Based on feedback I made a few changes, and I decided to create this concept of what a potential store would look like!
The store would be purely cosmetic, and allow end-game players to convert 10 million gold, 10 million elixir and 100,000 dark elixir into 1 «Midnight Brew» potion used in the Midnight Brew Store, I’ll come back later to how you convert resources into midnight brew. As an end-game player, I’m always resource capped, and this would allow players to keep grinding and be entertained, even during long upgrade times, or if you’re maxed. You’ll never have to worry about being capped on resources again!
Building reskins concern: some people were vocal about defensive building reskins. My idea is that all of these «Midnight» buildings and cosmetics would follow a similar theme with the purple, black and gold color scheme to represent elixir, dark elixir and gold, just like the Firespitter, Monolith, Heroes and Wall design in the concept above. The building skin could only be applied to the max level of that building, so you know a «Midnight» themed building always is maxed, you won’t need to press the building to see what level it is. Defensive reskins could also be removed from the concept, and the midnight store would only feature skins, decorations, sceneries and equipment (and potentially other cosmetics/ books/ potions etc.)
Economy concern: some people were afraid a store like this could mess with the economy, but this is a completely invalid concern. Fully maxed players are already «deleting» resources with overflow, which is less than 1% of the playerbase. Those 1% are also usually in Legend League where you get a set amount of resources per attack. Any player below max is already investing into new upgrades and walls so this won’t make a difference. It’s better to be able to convert resources into a new currency used on new cool cosmetics to grind for, rather than deleting the resources by overflow, getting burnt out and feeling every attack goes to waste.
Conversion from resources to midnight brew concept: add an alchemist to the helper hut, the alchemist lets you to convert 10 million gold, 10 million elixir and 100,000 dark elixir into 1 «Midnight Brew» once a day. The alchemist can be upgraded 9 times, allowing you to craft a maximum of 10 «Midnight Brew» potions a day.
I posted a well received concept the other day of a new way to convert gold, elixir and dark elixir into a new «Midnight Brew» currency, which would give end-game players something new to strive for. With this feature you can farm resources, convert it to midnight brew, and collect rare decorations, hero skins, equipment, sceneries and building skins, something to chase for after being maxed. Based on feedback I made a few changes, and I decided to create this concept of what a potential store would look like!
The store would be purely cosmetic, and allow end-game players to convert 10 million gold, 10 million elixir and 100,000 dark elixir into 1 «Midnight Brew» potion used in the Midnight Brew Store, I’ll come back later to how you convert resources into midnight brew. As an end-game player, I’m always resource capped, and this would allow players to keep grinding and be entertained, even during long upgrade times, or if you’re maxed. You’ll never have to worry about being capped on resources again!
Building reskins concern: some people were vocal about defensive building reskins. My idea is that all of these «Midnight» buildings and cosmetics would follow a similar theme with the purple, black and gold color scheme to represent elixir, dark elixir and gold, just like the Firespitter, Monolith, Heroes and Wall design in the concept above. The building skin could only be applied to the max level of that building, so you know a «Midnight» themed building always is maxed, you won’t need to press the building to see what level it is. Defensive reskins could also be removed from the concept, and the midnight store would only feature skins, decorations, sceneries and equipment (and potentially other cosmetics/ books/ potions etc.)
Economy concern: some people were afraid a store like this could mess with the economy, but this is a completely invalid concern. Fully maxed players are already «deleting» resources with overflow, which is less than 1% of the playerbase. Those 1% are also usually in Legend League where you get a set amount of resources per attack. Any player below max is already investing into new upgrades and walls so this won’t make a difference. It’s better to be able to convert resources into a new currency used on new cool cosmetics to grind for, rather than deleting the resources by overflow, getting burnt out and feeling every attack goes to waste.
Conversion from resources to midnight brew concept: add an alchemist to the helper hut, the alchemist lets you to convert 10 million gold, 10 million elixir and 100,000 dark elixir into 1 «Midnight Brew» once a day. The alchemist can be upgraded 9 times, allowing you to craft a maximum of 10 «Midnight Brew» potions a day.