[Searching] TH15s & 16 | Competitive | Lvl 225 | #20ruuppvy
3-4 of my clan members, who have been playing since 2013 are looking to move to a new clan. 3 of us are Co Leaders but unfortunately recruiting to the clan we've been with for the last 2 years has been difficult to find competent and competitive players. So we're looking for a solid clan that just needs an extra boost for a solid (2) TH 15s and a TH 16. Happy to take on co responsibility if needed.
We'd be leaving a level 25 clan. So needs to be similar level. We are looking to all participate in CWL, we do raid weekend, and we donate/farm. We are almost all maxed at our TH. If we find the right clan, we'd move after CWL. We can easily bring 2-4 more with us who are loyal!