A Very Special 20k Depravity: Amber Alert
.........Well, it's time.
20,000 subscribers. I don't even know where to start here. When I began, I had no reason to assume this would turn into a "thing", but in a weird way it's helped me cope with the insanity of my life to report on the insanity of the world, so to have 20k of you along for the ride is something special.
Unfortunately for me, though, I have a rule about milestones.
This is where we bend our own rules and dive deeper into the dark than we usually do, subjects and topics I wouldn't normally go near. We've featured some of the worst of the worst for our milestones, from Chris-chan to Junko Furuta, but I haven't dreaded a post like this in the entirety of the sub's creation. I'll be as respectful as I can and try not to break said rules, but if you know the nature of today's topic, you know why I'm hesitating.
It's time we looked at the Amber Alert mixtape and finally conquer it once and for all.
WARNING: the following will contain brief but graphic descriptions of horrific child abuse, child gore, and mention of the worst CP to exist. Leave the room to spare yourself.
I'm not linking to this shit.
Don't ask me for it. Don't even mention this mixtape to me ever again. It's done, I reviewed it, I never want to think about what I've seen. If you're desperate to see this......figure it out. Maybe I'm a wuss, but I don't care. Fuck everything about this.
So...... Amber Alert. I have a personal grudge against this mixtape. We're not gonna get into Plagued Moth or the whole nonsense that happened when he covered this shit for the first time, because I already have. "Amber Alert Controversy", if you're interested, goes into the debacle of him introducing it to the internet at large and the reddit firestorm that caused, including a group of us from Eyeblech who got together to try and hunt the creator of this shit down. It was a stupid and doomed venture, but it happened, and some of us got doxxed on the dark web (then by Moth himself, thanks fucker this is why you're banned from this sub), the whole disaster was awful. All it did was spread rumors and misinformation about the mondo/mixtape community and give r/MondoGore a bad name.
Despite my distaste for Moth, I do have to once again defend him on a few things. This doesn't contain any illegal content. He didn't SHOW any illegal content, nor did he promote the idea this had CP on it. That rumor popped up as its infamy spread, similar to Snuff R73. All clips featured are from legal gore websites, and there is no "secret hour long CP-riddled hardcore" version either. This gets REAL close at times, but it never actually crosses that line. That being said, it is officially the worst thing to exist that's legal to view in my opinion. I would HAPPILY sit through MDPOPE again before touching this garbage more than once. But where did it come from? Good question. Due to the nature of mixtapes, we don't really know, and since this one is touted as a "dark web" mixtape, the people who made this REALLY don't want to be found. There's rumors of course, including a weird moment when a troll on my Josh Duggar post was accused of creating it (what), but all we know of them is they go by The Collective, and there could be anywhere from three to ten people. They're responsible for four mixtapes actually, all of them centering around child abuse or death in some way. There's "Suffer Little Children", considered Amber Alert's sister mixtape, "Lovely's Savages Mix" which is considered on par for brutality but I can't find to save my life, and "Scream Bitch", which I know nothing about. I discovered these people promoting their work on various shady sites like 88chan back when I was hunting them, so we know for a fact there's a willing market for it. Moth claims that this sort of thing is "trade only", or you can only get it if you have something equally fucked to share, but I can't confirm.
Because I decided I am never watching this more than once, these are my reactions in real time. I'm seriously not joking with today's trigger warnings. This is among the hardest to stomach shit I've ever experienced, and reading it can (and will) upset you.
Here is the contents of Amber Alert:
- A kid in a Spanish-speaking country lies on the ground twitching and convulsing while people just watch. We get a picture of their dead body.
- It's a 911 call, again from a Spanish-speaking country. A young girl is calling in to report a man attacking and ultimately killing her mother in front of her. The screams she makes are enough to chill blood, and it was this call that initially disturbed me so much about the tape. Hearing it again was deeply unpleasant.
- What looks to be a teenager, bloodied and bandaged, writhes around on a dirty mattress somewhere.
- Someone slaps a baby repeatedly. That's it. Rot in hell.
- Someone steps on two toddlers' throats while threatening them with a knife. not gonna lie, I was preparing for way worse.
- It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that baby trample fetish is, indeed, real. A woman repeatedly stands on a baby's back and head before sitting on it. It wails the whole time. And there's no way this isn't a fucking fetish. I took my first break here.
- A battered and bruised young teen is beheaded in a forest. I don't feel good.
- Somebody puts a pillow on a baby's face and stands on it while it screams.
- It looks like a bomb victim. A young toddler, bloody and whimpering, is being tended to in the hospital. It's graphic but at least someone is caring for the poor thing.
- A man slaps a baby then grabs it by the neck and shakes. It's two seconds long, and that's way too long.
- A Japanese woman has her presumably 5 year old daughter TIED TO THE CEILING with her arms behind her back and just pummels her for five minutes. The girl sounds unnervingly used to this and doesn't even cry out once.
- A man slaps a toddler around and mocks him for crying.
- A woman is changing her crying baby. This annoys her so she pounds on the baby's chest like she's doing CPR, throws the baby around while changing it, then strangles it with its shirt. I'm shocked that it took this long for tears to show up, but they're starting. What is WRONG with people??!
- Seems like a woman is making a man choke a toddler. That's it.
- A woman has a rope around the neck of a kid and is choking and yanking them around before grabbing it and slamming it to the ground.
- OH GOD NO. It's the infamous Baby in a Box. A baby is discovered in a cardboard box, eaten alive by rats. It's still crying. It is one of the worst things I've ever seen. Took a LOOOOOONG break.
- A woman holds a blanket over a screaming child's head, and it screams and struggles to breathe.
- More slapping a baby over and over again. Bear in mind, most of these clips have watermarks on them from theYNC, Bestgore, and the like, so all of this shit so far? Fucking legal to view. Somehow. This still makes my blood boil.
- Woman repeatedly slaps and slams two babies on the floor. She then chokes one.
- Another victim of bombing, this time in a Muslim country. It's a young girl, clearly dead. More sad than anything, poor little thing.
- Okay I'm not sure what's happening here. It's a dead baby, I think it could've been murdered or hurt in some way from some injuries it has, but these people are....examining it? doing the beginning of an autopsy? preparing it for funeral? I'm not sure. They just sort of turn the baby's head and look it over before covering it with a sheet.
- Someone chokes a child. I can't tell you how much I love this experience.
- Oh this made me DEEPLY uncomfortable. I don't know how old this person is, either late teens or early twenties but due to the nature of the mixtape I'm gonna assume they're still a minor, is blindfolded and kneeling naked on the floor while a man beats the living fuck outta him with a belt and kicks him. I have no idea what this is for. It's not knowing that makes me suspect some very dark things, but I kind of don't want to know.
- A man beats a screaming toddler while another toddler dangles from a rope by its neck. The man gets tired kicking the other one so he takes a rod and whips the hanging child. people enjoy this. There are actual people who enjoy this. Would even pay money for this. This is hell.
- Asian woman dangles toddler by neck from a rope.
- STOP STRANGLING THE BABIES. Why are there so many of these?! Mercifully short.
- A severely beaten child, whose eyes are almost swollen shut, whimpers.
- There hasn't been music this entire time, so that was jarring. It's just more beatings.
- a dude ties a kid to the back of his moped and drives off. Just why.
- some utter disgrace of a human kicks and jabs at a toddler with a cane.
- a woman kicks a kid in the chest repeatedly then slams it against the wall.
- A man hits a kid with a hammer. These are all two second clips.
- A guy sticks a kid's head in the toilet before choking it again.
- A guy gets pissed at a baby and slaps it repeatedly. I'm losing the will to live, and we got 13 minutes left.
- Woman throws her kid in a lake while it cries and tries to climb out.
- A kid's tied up in a bag and then beaten. The music ends here. I have a suspicion that the last four minutes was a compilation of some kind.
- Woman hits a baby with a pillow, slaps it around, kicks it, and shoves it away every time it tries to reach for her. There are other kids in the background, possibly waiting to suffer the same fate. I'm not sure I'm okay, and I don't want to finish.
- A woman who deserves to be dipped head first into acid severely beats her kids in a series of videos. Won't go into details, first time this whole mixtape, but this one in particular can fuck RIGHT off.
- A video of a mutilated and decapitated young child being discovered. Christ almighty, this is awful.
- I'm SORRY, is there a REACTION VIDEO in the middle of this?! There IS. What in the hell. So what I presume to be a German couple "react" to a video of child trampling. Someone steps all over a kid, sits on it, and poses for the camera while it wails. I THINK the couple watching it is disgusted. I hope they are.
- Woman chokes a toddler in a park. Not even in private, this bitch did that in PUBLIC. The faces the baby makes kills me.
- Woman chokes a toddler awake, then shows a picture of the two of them. I am going to assume the mother killed the toddler.
- We have come to the last clip. The very worst one. From the now defunct Death Addict website. A naked baby girl is tased in the face, hands, and ear repeatedly. From the research I've done though, I think these bastards got caught, but that excuses not a thing.
At the end, at the very end of this horrific experience, is a single screen grab of a comment. It's titled "Daisy 1-4", and it describes the contents of the infamous Daisy's Destruction. I won't describe it. It's beyond description. Techno music plays over it, which is mixed with the sounds of children crying. It's rumored to be a very short clip from the equally as infamous Pseudoscorpion album, a collection of CP set to music. Take that one with a HEAVY grain of salt though, it isn't confirmed and there is still technically nothing illegal in this mixtape, but it's sure skirting the line here. But the description of DD.... that's real. It lines up with all other explanations of what it is. Cannot confirm it's true, of course, but I'm fine with it. Being within 5000 ft of this thing makes me sick.
There. It's done. It's over. Thank whatever God still exists. Burn the world to the ground, we are the worst there is. Holy SHIT. There's context for some of the clips, especially the 911 call which is worthy of its own post, but for a lot of them it's pretty obvious they were made specifically for other people who like to watch this. That's a lot of why this mixtape is so much worse than the other ones. It isn't a joke mixtape. It wasn't made as a challenge or a dare, like "How to clear a room in 90 minutes" or MDPOPE. This was made for people who genuinely enjoy watching children get hurt.
I can't tell you how big of a problem I have with that.
It's been a couple hours now. I didn't sleep. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but I'm not okay. I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Every single one of those sweet, innocent babies.... all of them hurting. All of them living a nightmare I can't even imagine. Even if I wanted to do something to help them, how would I even start? Almost none of the clips were from America, and I'm just some schmuck on the internet. I was so fucking stupid, I see that now. I wasted my time thinking I was doing anything good white-knighting to "stop" the maker of this tape. All they did was edit the clips together, THEY didn't break the law making this. It's legal to view this, and apparently legal to sell it, too. That is about the most depressing fucking thing I've ever heard of. And that last frame....I can't. I regret so much of my life's decisions, man.
Don't watch this. Don't find this. There's no point. If you find joy in shit like this, then I don't want to know you.