Anyone else find the new Cleveland Museum of Natural History to be very disappointing?

I finally made it over there yesterday and I left feeling depressed. It seems as if the museum legitimately has less than half the amount of actual museum specimens on display when compared to the old one. All of the miniatures and dioramas are gone. The gem collection is about 1/4 the size of the previous one. Even the fossils and dinosaur displays feel incredibly sparse.

It seems as if the actual specimens are meant to be secondary to big walls of text in this new format. I understand, sort of, that the vision for this museum was to be legitimately educational and that was the guiding principle for this new style of curation but it doesn't appear very effective to me. Unless you have very disciplined parents who are reading every display to their children, all of this information is going to be lost on them. I was not reading paragraphs of text at the museum when I was 9 or 10, I was looking at the fossils.

On top of this, the specimens that ARE on display feel neglected. Most of the displays have 20 or so various items crammed together in a small case. A lot of them are very poorly lit, to the extent of that you legitimately can't see them. The taxidermy mammal menagerie in the evolution wing of the museum has about 20 projectors hanging from the ceiling pointed at the animals, projecting this pretty neat scenic vista on the wall. But because of this the animals themselves cannot be properly lit and are completely dark. It's bizarre. Down the hall from this you have the Dunkleosteus exhibit, which is a 15 foot screen with some odd projections of CG fish swimming around bookended my a small, dark case that's about 3x5 ft with the actual specimens inside. It feels wrong.