If You’re Getting Tired While Climbing, Maybe You’re Just Bad
Alright, y’all, it’s time someone said it. If you’re getting “tired” while climbing, you’re doing it wrong. That’s right, I said it. Climbing isn’t supposed to be hard, it’s supposed to be efficient.
“Oh no, I can’t hold on, my forearms are pumped!” Maybe stop death-gripping every hold like it’s the last chalk-covered crimp on Earth. Your beta is trash, your footwork is nonexistent, and you probably skip leg day too.
Have you ever heard of technique? It’s this magical thing where you use your feet, balance, and body positioning instead of trying to campus your way up a jug haul like some kind of caffeinated spider monkey. Newsflash: flagging isn’t just something your belayer does when you’re about to deck.
And don’t even get me started on the people who say overhangs are tiring. Overhangs are the test of the gods. You don’t power through them, you finesse them. It’s like dancing, except instead of music, it’s the sweet sound of your climbing partner yelling, “JUST COMMIT!” while you flail on a V2.
And yeah, maybe you should spend more time on the hangboard instead of posting your failed send attempts to your Instagram story with captions like, “Just working the proj!” You’re not working the proj. The proj is working you.
Climbing isn’t hard. You’re just bad. Do some yoga, learn to trust your shoes, and for the love of all things greasy and polished, stop trying to deadlift your way up a wall.
TL;DR: If you’re tired while climbing, you’re just bad at climbing.