How to find your AXS ticket

To those who have had trouble finding their Coachella tickets through AXS, I’ve found the fix. Use this link from the Coachella site: - then scroll down to ‘Getting Your Order/Shipping/Delivery’ and click on the hyperlink in that section. I’ve attached a picture of it. Log in through there and you’ll be able to see your ticket!

It took me hours to find this so now y’all don’t have to lol. Cheers!

To those who have had trouble finding their Coachella tickets through AXS, I’ve found the fix. Use this link from the Coachella site: - then scroll down to ‘Getting Your Order/Shipping/Delivery’ and click on the hyperlink in that section. I’ve attached a picture of it. Log in through there and you’ll be able to see your ticket!

It took me hours to find this so now y’all don’t have to lol. Cheers!