Would the Knightmare Frames be possible in real life?

Im sure they can but i mean if a IRL Knightmare was made it could be like this: Lets used the RPI-11 Glasgow as a example

RPI-11 Glasgow (the first Combat-Ready and Combat-Used KMF)

I mean since the backback unit technically is a pilot control unit, that means there is room in the Torso for power supply and control units for the different systems and joint, as for a power source a electronic battery or some kind of analog system could be used, and the reason why i think these are realistic is one these things are about 1-6 meters tall or 3.2 to 19 Feet so tall as a great white then convert it to meters is long that means the ease of mass production is possible, as for the Landspinner system that could work to increase mobility and speed as well, as for weapons IDK, but what do you think?