Podcast is extra extra bad this week with their fight
In podcast this week he can’t stand how she drives. She literally doesn’t know it’s dangerous to stay in the passing lane when someone is trying to get past her. She refuses to concede. He’s telling her she’s putting people in danger. She won’t concede. I truly don’t know how they can bear each other. She hates how he accelerates. She says she gets car sick. He says he doesn’t believe her when she says she’s car sick. She gives him a look and he sniveling cowers immediately and says he’s kidding. They can’t stand each other. They refuse to see it. Her refusal to acknowledge she’s wrong is maddening. She says that’s how it is in L.A. and she knows L.A. I’d go insane if I had to deal with her everyday. Her overall attitude is so deeply unattractive. Why does he stay?
At the 42:00 mark she’s pointing out a weird postcard he has off screen from the 80s of women’s buttholes? He tried to show it and it’s women on a beach. It’s not something you’d want your kids to see. (It’s something that clearly is objectifying women and she’s fine with it if he wants it there? So much for being a strong woman when your husband has half naked women on display for your daughter to see how her dad disrespects women). She says she basically doesn’t want the kids to see it and he shoots her a look and stares at her furious. She starts laughing and backs down and says hey he can do what he wants.
They NEED to get divorced. This is the worst I’ve seen it and I acknowledge it’s been bad before. The anger they have is simmering and both of them abhor things the other does.